"Worm Patrol"
This morning Eva woke me up at 6:30am ish and asked if I wanted to take pic's at the Botanical garden with her...I'm not entirely sure how I responded but I woke up an hour later wondering where she went. After drinking my coffee and eating breakfast she came back with all the wear and tear on her person that's evident of someone who's been out in 110 degree heat. After she showed me her pics, I neatly checked off "Picadai" off my to-do list and explained to her how I slept in cool 75 degrees for an extra hour while she slaved for my blog ;)
Here are a few more of her great pics! ...In addition to taking Pic's today Eva also won what would have to be a marathon 1.5hr match of UNO (yes the card game we played in middle school!), she beat Courtney and me. We were supposed to go to trivia night at Terrior Wine Pub but there was only one person in the entire place, and the owner recognizes us to we decided not to walk in and have to buy a bottle.
"AZ Globe"
Some Fish Eye lens trickery!
"Monocle View"
Ditto on Fish Eye!
I can't say much about Sid's photography skills (have not yet seen much of his work), but Eva your pics look AWESOME !