All the Pic's Collage!

Welcome to Picadai because Pic-a-day was taken :(

The purpose of this blog is to help me improve my camera skills. The goal is to post one pic per day for the year and beyond (!). Hopefully the quality of the pic's will improve along with the content.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 20th Pic!


Eva made up for her digressions on Thursday, where she forgot to take a pic for me. So this is an Eva contribution. These are the shades that hang over the lake look-outs near the Grigio. I've been trying to get this pic for a while but I think Eva utilized the telephoto to get this awesome shot. 


"Hole in the ground"


  1. actually I didn't bust out the telephoto on Aug 20th!

  2. Sid, you need to take a dirty in the Taio Cruz song.

  3. I'm sure i'll have plenty of dirty pics from homecoming ;)
