All the Pic's Collage!

Welcome to Picadai because Pic-a-day was taken :(

The purpose of this blog is to help me improve my camera skills. The goal is to post one pic per day for the year and beyond (!). Hopefully the quality of the pic's will improve along with the content.

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 23rd pic!

"Through the Bars"

*Click on the pic, it looks a lot cooler blown up*

Flight to San Jose! Birthday in 1 day, Marathon (well 1/2 of one) in 2 days! This is going to be an awesome possibly can't start off on a bad foot!...right? WRONG! After waking up at 6am to run some errands and eat copious amounts of Blueberry's (the trick it to eat them before they rot), Eva, Sam and I made it to the airport with minutes to spare to catch our flights. Sam was on her own flight (southwest), Eva and I took U.S. Airways. Sam got on her flight without a hitch, Eva and I on the other hand missed our flight because U.S. Airways apparently closes the gate with 20 mins left to departure. I bet not many Indians fly on U.S. Airways (we're always late). We finally made it on another flight at 2pm, after missing our 10:25am flight, and trust me waiting at the airport is a LOT of fun! I did get a good amount of reading done.
We finally made it San Jose and had a fun time walking around the neighborhood playing in the kids play field at the local elementary, while my Aunt slaved in the house making dinner, which included Pizza, Pruschetto (thinly sliced Ham) and Melon, along with some cheese and snacks to enjoy with the Wine. 

She was stuck....I was trying to help her down. 
"Damn Dirty Apes"

"Return of the Damn Dirty Apes"


  1. Good times, and some awesome pictures! These and all the SF ones too, that city is so picturesque.

  2. Sid looks so hot in the pics!



  3. Let's take a ride in my Barney Mobile!
