All the Pic's Collage!

Welcome to Picadai because Pic-a-day was taken :(

The purpose of this blog is to help me improve my camera skills. The goal is to post one pic per day for the year and beyond (!). Hopefully the quality of the pic's will improve along with the content.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nov 10th Pic!

"Bitt the Dust"

Yes that infact is a reference to my died a grizzly (bear?) death tonight. Much like a CSI episode you've seen the dead body but don't know how it happened, well let me tell you...and trust me it isn't as interesting as a CSI episode but it will tug on your heart strings just the same! 

The day started on an exciting note, my 2TB external Mac edition harddrive finished backing up my ENTIRE computer! So I figured now that my ENTIRE computer is backed up I should screw around with it. Since I'm now going to be sharing my computer with Eva, I started work on creating an account for her and marveled for 20 minutes about how easy it was and quickly I can switch from one to another. I spent another 15 minutes thinking about how I'd demo this neat trickery to Eva. Then I spent all day at work being giddy about how cool I was for getting this to work so smoothly. Then I came home and decided to play with it some more. That's when the problems started. I cleaned out my harddrive then decided to change some privacy settings...two minutes later my computer decided to commit suicide...recounting the story makes me sad so I'll stop, but tomorrow morning the world will be ok again because a Mac Genius will walk me through the fix! Next time you buy a Mac...GET the Protection Plan, it's hassle free and TOTALLY worth it! 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nov 9th Pic!

"Two Terra!"

That's right folks...I got myself a badass Mac edition (you can tell by the trim) TWO (2, Dos) Terabyte harddrive for my Mac. This bad mother will not only back up my ENTIRE computer, but also effectively split my computer into two. One log-in for me, another for Eva. So basically we get two computers out of one, thanks to the two thousand gigabyte - that's two terabyte harddrive! Only $200 from Amazon. Thanks! 

Nov 8th Pic!


OK I forgot to take a pic on the 8th, this was a random pic I took at 9:50pm while we were deciding on dates for our Argentina trip! Around 11pm while in bed I realized that I forgot to take my picadai! :( 

Oh well enjoy the pic! 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nov 7th Pic!

"Squash, Zucchini Squash!"

Sometimes you've gotta cut your squash to get it to talk! Made dinner tonight and it turned out excellent, Garahm Masala (Indian spice) is excellent on almost anything especially something as bland as a squash. In fact I'll probably make most dinners with it, Pasta? looks like it could use a pinch of GM, Soup? where's the GM? yet another bland squash based meal? GM!

Nov 6th Pic!

"I fought the law"

...and the law won! Sat night pic! Ran out of ideas of pic's around the house, I really didn't want to take pic's of the same things I've put up before so I threw a few things on the floor and went at it. I actually played Tennis (and kicked ass!) on Sat which usually means some Tennis related pic, but the excitement of playing Tennis got the best of me and I forgot I even had my camera in the bag.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Nov 5th Pic!


Or uncorked rather, Eva's love for Turtles and Wine meet in this fun mashup which proves that you can do cool things cork besides keeping wine in the bottle. Currently there are two factions of Wine drinkers, ones that prefer screw top (like the top you get with your 40) or the traditional cork. I'm on the fence, now that I'm more comfortable with the Cork, I prefer it because if feels good to hear that pop when you open a new bottle. The screw cap on the other hand is just plain simple and there are ZERO barriers to drinking your Wine, and it's a lot easier to travel with also! 

I'm not sure how long it took Eva to fill up the Turtle above but at our current pace of consumption I'd say it would take us less than 2 months! :)

Nov 4th Pic!

"IMac on a desk"
My work desk away from my work desk, aka where I "plan" to do most of my productive work. Clearly it's a mess, I consolidated a large corner desk into something that's a little easier on the eye, and also little in terms of desk space. Now my task is to figure out how to organize it so two people can work in relative harmony in such a small space, there should really be a Masters course in this, "Workspace Logistics", I'll write the book titled "Get yo shit organized". It may be an oxymoran but hey just look at the people that get elected to political office, if they're dumb enough to qualify to run the country, I'm dumb enough to write a book about organization.
When I first got my Imac, I Googled "IMac's on a desk" to see how people set them up. I figured Mac's are marketed towards people who consider themselves creative so maybe they would do some fun yet effective desk set-ups. Well my results were exactly what I typed into the search, Pic's of Mac's on a desk, and some porn.
Those of you that ended up here from Googling "IMac on a desk" looking for some cool set-up, I'm sorry. Just put the damn thing on a flat surface, spend 5-10 minutes figuring out where the power button is (on the back left corner), and do what most people do on the Internet.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov 3rd Pic!


Eva went to the Desert Botanical gardens today on a solo trip, she was successful in getting a few quality snaps. The one above is my favorite however, you just can't go wrong with Monarch butterfly's. Thanks to the telephoto you can get some awesome pic's. On today's expedition she got an audio guide (included in our annual membership, thanks Groupon!) and learned more about the mating habits of Cacti than she ever wanted to know, if you want to know how they get down with all the spikes come take a Botanical Garden tour! 

Nov 2nd Pic!

"Phoenix Rising"

So I'm a little concerned about how Eva got this Pic, she pulled over on the freeway, they provided a spot but you still had to pull in at 50mph, and almost parallel park the car. The car seems to be ok, but I'm still concerned. Thank god the Pic turned out amazing! a brake replacement is worth it I guess. In all seriousness though, Phoenix is probably one of the best cities to get a pic like this during the Winter time. Great Job! 

Nov 1st Pic!

"for Dummies"

Finally moved 100% into the Grigio with Eva...the con of moving in with your girlfriend is that she'll somehow someway find all the dorky stuff you've been hiding and make fun of you for it. Me being a packrat, I have dorky stuff from the day I moved to the U.S. back in 94' so I got made plenty fun of on the days following my move, but none more so than the "Dating for Dummies" book my Aunt was kind enough to throw into my care package my Freshman year of College. It's a pocket sized book that's full of neat tid-bits like you should take flowers for your first date, and other things that seem like they would fall under the "Shouldn't people know that by default?" category. Ok don't take flowers on the first date, that's Jon from Garfield living in the 70's dorky, but the other stuff was ok. After watching countless episodes of "Millionaire Matchmaker" with Eva, I'm convinced plenty of people would benefit from this book! so if you need to borrow it, hit me up!

Oct 31st Pic!

"Snack's n' such"

On Sunday night as "Boardwalk Empire" was about to come on, I asked Eva to make me a snack to go along with my Wine...above is the said snack, my stomach couldn't have been happier! Olives stuffed with Jalapenos, Roasted Red Pepper Hummus with Sourdough Pretzels + Wine (Petite Syrah, from Coppola), that folks is a Win,Win, Win, Win! 
The Olives are too spicy for Eva so I get to eat them all! BAM!

Oct 30th Pic!

"Rasta Man!

Yes, that was my "costume" for Halloween...I have better pic's but I'm too embarrassed to put em up, plus the blurry effect adds to the scary/spooky effect. Eva went as Cleopatra, she looked great, but all the pic's I took of her were either really dark or the messy apartment was the backdrop, so I opted for my scary mug instead. Happy Halloween! ...Since this post is going up a few days later, hope you had a good one!

Oct 29th Pic!


Pumpkins! I love almost all things Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Latte's, Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Cookies...I can go on and on like Bubba from Forrest Gump (Bubba Gump Shrimp, youtube it if you don't know, sucka!). My Pumpkin love however would stop at Beer, because I've had it once and it was pretty gross. I'm a normal guy (for the most part) and I like to try new things, I figured what's better than combining two things I like, turns out too much of a good thing can be a bad thing! I thought who ever said that was a fool till I lived it!

The pic above is from Friday night, thanks to Eva's persistence I finally carved my first Pumpkin. Mine is the simple looking one on the left. In the Pumpkin carving book it was two skull difficulty out of 5, Eva's got 3. We finished at 11:50pm, just in time for Picadai!